My computer is still running Windows 7. What should I do?

Your computer will still continue to work. However, companies are no longer supporting it. If you have any hardware or software there are no guarantees that they will operate with your computer. When connected to the Internet, your computer and its software are constantly being updated. New hardware and software are not being approved or taking steps to assure the products will work on older operating systems that is beyond EOL (End of Life).

In most cases, computers over the last decade can be upgraded/updated to Windows 10. AVX can help. We can even do these upgrades and provide support/services remotely.

If you decide to continue to run Windows 7 for the time being, make sure that your security updates are latest and that you are using/running anti-virus and anti-malware software. There are many good add-on products to provide security protection for your individual computer, home, or business. AVX can help with that as well. We can do that remotely.

AVX also offers pro-active support/maintenance plans to monitor and do regular updates to your machine(s).

Category: Computers